Heritage Crafts are proud to offer our products around the globe. If you wish to stock anything we offer, please contact the distributor for your country. If there is no distributor for your location, please contact us.

BBT Distributors
PO Box 144, Sandown Village, Victoria 3171
Tel : +613 9795 5787    Fax : +613 9795 0876
EMail : sales@bbtcrafts.com.au
Website : https://www.bbtcrafts.com.au

The Stitch Company B.V.
Nieuwstraat 6, 4264 RE Veen, The Netherlands
Tel : +31 (0) 416 695 070
EMail : info@stitchcompany.com
Website : https://www.stitchcompany.com

Gvello Stitch
Tel : (1) 647-408-9618
EMail : orders@gvellostitch.com
Website : www.gvellostitch.com

Z.A.E.S Du Moulin Rouge, 24120 Terrasson.
Tel : 05 53 51 74 20    Fax : 05 53 51 74 29
EMail : contact@milpoint.fr
Website : www.milpoint.com

Artis GmbH
Weizkamp 4, 51375 Leverkusen, Germany.
Tel : +49 214 23078021
Mob : +49 176 24764057
EMail : info@artis-diy.de
Website : Artis GmbH

Bezs BT
Szigetszentmiklos, Elod u 16/b, 2310 Hungary
Tel/Fax : 00 36 1 878 0850

Yoshun Frontier Int Inc.
1028-1, Kawarabuki, Ageo-Shi, Saitama-Ken, Japan
Tel : 048-699-4517    Fax : 048-699-4518
EMail : yoshun21@jcom.home.ne.jp

See Australia.

141400, Vladenije 13B, Vashutinskoje shosse Khimki, Moscow area, Russia.
Tel : +7(495)742-50-43
Fax : +7(495)742 80 70
Website : www.gela.ru

Wichelt Imports Inc.
N162 State Hwy 35, Stoddard, WI 54658
Tel : 608 788 4600    Fax : 608 788 6040
EMail : wichelt@wichelt.com
Website : www.wichelt.com